How are you dealing with EU-regulations for sustainability? It looks like a plate of spaghetti. The EU is delivering more and more regulations to enforce people, companies and entire sectors to become (more) sustainable. Therefore they introduced the EU Green Deal as an umbrella document for all their initiatives.
At a first glance this is an easy and clear document. However when you dive deeper into the matter and into the various documents coming from different Directorates-General (DG’s or policy departments) it gets very complicated. And then we haven’t even talked about how you are going to deal with the EU-regulations in your own situation.
It looks like a plate of spaghetti and we have started to unravel it…
Reading the EU-regulations for sustainability is not funny
Have you ever have tried to read through an EU-regulation document? When yes, you will know that they are pretty difficult to read. When no, take a quiet moment, when you feel relaxed and energized to do so, because you will need it. Reading EU-regulations is not funny!
And then you have read (or scanned) only one, while there are hundreds, thousands of these documents. The questions start running through your head:
- Which one is applicable to me?;
- When do I have to be compliant;
- What will happen when I don’t comply?; and
- Where do I start?
Good questions, and few answers.
It will get worse
Because there are already so much EU-regulations available and applicable we say that the EU-regulations look like a plate of spaghetti. There is no beginning, no end, lots of questions about applicability and to much to swallow in one time.
On top of that, this is just the beginning. A lot of change will be seen in the field of sustainability and circularity in the years ahead. The world is changing, the pressure on sustainability issues will keep rising, resources will get scarcer, prices will keep rising and the EU will come with changed, new and more regulations to stay ahead of the game and shape the sustainable world.
What can we do?
A quick conclusion is that we don’t know what to expect from the EU when it comes to regulations. The only thing we do know is that each and every sector, company and human being will be affected. Therefore it is necessary to keep a close watch on the EU.
The good news is that the Sustainable Transformers are following the EU, the Green Deal and the related documents for quite some time. We have a good picture of the structure, the origin, and the idea behind the plans and regulations. We think we can say that we understand the Green Deal and the direction the EU is heading.
Our products are based on a less, smart, more approach that:
- Is fully aligned with the EU green deal; and
- Is hands on and result driven (we balance sustainable and financial results)
That’s pretty handy, isn’t it?
Let us know if you need to know more about plans and regulations coming from the EU concerning sustainability and therefore your business and you want to stay ahead of the game. Because the game has already begun!